Friday, December 5, 2008

Give me the damn epidural!

Hey All,

Doug Hankins will be hosting Hold ‘Em at his house next Friday, December 12th. He’s inviting some guys from work, a couple friends, and anyone from the HG. In the event that Sarah is yelling, "Give me the damn epidural!," then poker is cancelled.

What: Poker at Doug’s, $5 buy-in

When: Fri, December 12th at 7:30 P.M.

Where: 3081 Park Lane Avenue, 43231 (A mile south of Rue’s off Route 3 - Westerville Road) ph. 475-1902

RSVP: Please reply to if you think you will be joining the Poker Partay.

What’s needed: BYOB. Doug will need poker chips. He may need cards, too. He could use a card table and chairs.

Whether I am available to play or not, I can provide a table some chairs. I figure that, whether he plays or not, JRue can provide the chip set. JRue also has some stackable white plastic chairs. I’ve added the event to the Calendar and Blog.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Calendar

Neil put together a new calendar that you can view at:

I'll leave the link on the blog to the right.

Thanks much, Smiley.